Visit Dr. Melanie Kusznireckyj, ND on the trade show floor!
Dr. Melanie Kusznireckyj, ND, Vitazan Professional’s COO, travelled from Montréal, Québec, to connect with AANP convention attendees in Chicago. Together with Annick Moffatt, ND, Senior Education Specialist and Medical Advisor, they are eager to see you!
Vitazan is featuring ND formulated Press Products Developed by NDMAPS™ . NDMAPS™ is dedicated to addressing the gaps in naturopathic formula offerings to enhance patient well-being. NDMAPS™ products, developed by doctors with extensive clinical and research expertise, are designed to meet specific patient needs. We actively collect data on patient use to continually improve our support for the doctor-patient community.
Visit our booth to discover NDMAPS™ Press products. Ask about our educational resources to support your clinical success. Learn how NDs are successfully integrating Press products to improve patient well-being.