Qu’est-ce que NDMAPS™?

Le Panel de solutions d’avancement médical pour les docteurs en naturopathie (Naturopathic Doctor Medical Advancement Panel Solutions) ou NDMAPS™ est le premier programme du genre, comblant le fossé entre l’industrie des produits de santé naturels et la pratique clinique, le tout pour le bénéfice des praticiens et de leurs patients. Ce projet révolutionnaire et innovant s’efforce d’initier le processus en favorisant des conversations qui cultivent la confiance, ouvrant ultimement la voie à l’établissement de recherches cliniques sur les formulations de produits naturels et les effets synergiques qu’elles offrent. Cette évaluation suit un modèle distinct de la médecine conventionnelle, aligné sur nos principes naturopathiques, qui mettent l’accent sur une approche holistique. Pour nous, les études de cas représentent le summum de la connaissance. Notre apprentissage découle d’une écoute attentive et d’une observation astucieuse — et cela résume l’essence de NDMAPS™.

Qui sont les ND et autres professionnels impliqués dans NDMAPS™?

Dr Jean-Jacques Dugoua

Dr Jean-Jacques Dugoua

Expert mondial en pharmacologie clinique des produits naturels, auteur, conférencier, chercheur, entrepreneur.

En savoir plus…

Dr Jean-Jacques Dugoua, HBSc, ND, PhD

Le Dr Jean-Jacques Dugoua, affectueusement surnommé Dr JJ, est un naturopathe renommé, un pharmacologue clinicien, et un pionnier de la recherche. Il est le médecin-chef de la Liberty Clinic de Toronto et le premier médecin naturopathe de l’Artist Health Centre du Toronto Western Hospital. Titulaire d’un doctorat en sciences pharmaceutiques de l’Université de Toronto, les recherches du Dr JJ couvrent notamment l’évaluations de la sécurité des produits naturels pendant la grossesse et des tests révolutionnaires sur le diabète. Co-auteur influent, son expertise brille également à travers des présentations mondiales, notamment des engagements à l’Organisation mondiale de la santé à Washington, DC.


Projet novateur et innovant

Dr Baljit Khamba

Dr Baljit Khamba

Chaire de sciences cliniques à l’Université Bastyr de San Diego.

En savoir plus…

Dre Baljit Khamba, ND, MPH

La Dre Baljit Khamba est une diplômée respectée du Collège canadien de médecine naturopathique. Membre active de l’AANP, elle est titulaire de plusieurs diplômes de l’Université York et de l’Université Lakehead. En tant que professeure adjointe à l’Université Bastyr, la Dre Khamba encadre les programmes de médecine naturopathique, psychologie, et acupuncture. Elle est une chercheuse publiée, une praticienne holistique axée sur les soins intégratifs, et une voix dynamique dans les conférences et les médias, partageant son parcours contre le cancer du sein et ses connaissances en médecine intégrative. Grâce à NDMAP™, la Dre Khamba s’efforce de promouvoir le leadership, la recherche, et l’éducation dans son domaine.

“Le leadership, la recherche, et l’éducation sont des caractéristiques clés que j’aspire à promouvoir au sein de notre profession. En rejoignant NDMAPS™, je peux collaborer aux côtés de mes collègues astucieux et concrétiser nos idées.”

Fièrement au service de la communauté naturopathe


Promis et livré aux professionnels

Dr. Paul Richard Saunders

Dr. Paul Richard Saunders

Graduated from Duke University with a PhD and an ND from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, and completed a second ND and Homeopathic Medicine Residency at Portland National College.

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Dr. Paul Richard Saunders, ND, PhD

Dr. Paul Richard Saunders is an accomplished professional with dual ND degrees from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and National College in Portland. His extensive experience spans over 30 years, employing a full range of naturopathic therapies and embracing complex cases. Notable roles at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine include Clinic Director and Associate Dean. Dr. Saunders continues to educate, research, and publish, holding an Adjunct Professorship at National University of Health Science. His contributions extend to peer-reviewed journals, grant reviews for NIH, and recognition as Ontario Naturopathic Doctor of the Year in 1994 and 2002. He played a significant role in shaping Health Canada’s Office of Natural Health Products and its Expert Advisory Committee.

Dr. Dugald Seely

Dr. Dugald Seely

Dr. Dugald Seely is a naturopathic doctor and clinician scientist with a keen interest in researching and applying the best of integrative medicine for people living with chronic diseases.

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Dr. Dugald Seely, ND, MSc

Dr. Dugald Seely is a pioneering naturopathic doctor and clinician scientist, specializing in integrative medicine for chronic diseases. Notably, he focuses on integrative oncology, blending evidence-based approaches in clinical practice and research. As CEO of the Centre for Health Innovation and executive director of the Patterson Institute for Integrative Oncology Research, he’s a driving force behind innovative initiatives. With over 18 years of experience, he’s secured $11M in grant funding, led numerous trials, and authored 100+ peer-reviewed papers. Dr. Seely is an influential figure within naturopathic oncology and continues to shape the field through his research and collaborations.

“I am thrilled to be able to work proactively with Dr. Kusznireckyj, ND, and the rest of the NDMAPS™ panel to develop and research novel and innovative natural health product formulas for use by people struggling with cancer, as well as for other chronic conditions.”
Dr. Lise Alschuler

Dr. Lise Alschuler

Associate Director of the Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, at Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine.

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Dr. Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO

Lise Alschuler, ND, with board certification in naturopathic oncology, has practiced since 1994. She’s a Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Arizona, where she’s Associate Director of the Fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the Andrew Weil Center. Holding an undergraduate degree in Medical Anthropology from Brown University and a naturopathic medicine doctoral degree from Bastyr University, Dr. Alschuler’s influence is substantial.

She’s held leadership roles in prominent organizations like the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Dr. Alschuler’s achievements include being a sought-after speaker, publishing peer-reviewed articles, co-authoring books, and receiving recognitions such as the AANP Physician of the Year and the Sheikh Zayed International Award in Naturopathy. Operating from Naturopathic Specialists, LLC, she practices naturopathic oncology and co-hosts the podcast Five To Thrive Live! Her commitment to integrative care shines through her career, fostering a vision of empowered and vibrant lives for all.

“Vitazan is at the cutting-edge of product development and exemplifies top-notch quality manufacturing – truly a top tier brand for integrative practitioners and their patients.”
Dr. Melanie Kusznireckyj

Dr. Melanie Kusznireckyj

Dr. Melanie Kusznireckyj graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and has a degree in botany and plant physiology from the University of Ottawa

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Chair: Dr. Melanie Kusznireckyj, BSc, ND, COO of Vitazan Professional

Dr. Melanie Kusznireckyj graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and has a degree in botany and plant physiology from the University of Ottawa. Melanie was also a professional modern dancer before a career change into naturopathy. She has previous research experience in the department of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto under the mentorship of Dr. Heather Boon, and in the department of epidemiology at the University of Ottawa, as part of the World Health Organization’s Interphone study investigating the effects of cellphone use and brain-tumour risk. Melanie joined Vitazan Professional in 2018 as a customer service representative and quickly took on a leadership role to grow the business through collaboration, education, and mentorship of her clients, and through project development with the MAPS members. Melanie is an amateur knitter and cellist and enjoys Argentine tango.

It is a great pleasure to bring together these talented individuals and advance the clinical science of natural health products. This project is the seed to grow a greater awareness in research methodologies, design, and implementation of naturopathic care.


Cliniciens et chercheurs de premier plan