Visit Dr. Melanie Kusznireckyj, ND at Booth #408

Travelling all the way from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Dr. Melanie Kusznireckyj, ND, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Medical Officer at Vitazan Professional, will be sharing the latest in our efforts to provide NDs in North America with clean, pure, and evidence based products that have also been created to address gaps in clinical practice.


Why visit our booth?

  • Grab some samples of our latest products
  • Sign up for our raffle prize
  • Check out our NDMAPS™ (Naturopathic Doctor Medical Advancement Panel Solutions)
  • Take advantage of our conference special: 20% off our NDMAPS™ products if you order at the conference!
  • Learn what extra offerings we have for new grads or NDs in their first year of practice
  • Open an account and receive 15% off on our products for the first three months!
Categories: Events